Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thoughts on the Olympics

Anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I love the Olympics. The sport, the spirit, the community, the feeling...I just love it all. I don't like to worry too much about all the political crap, we already are bombarded with that stuff on a daily basis, what is so wrong about enjoying 2 weeks of sport competition? It's about being a part of something bigger than yourself, like the World Cup or something. It's just...intangible. It's sport. It's nationalism (the good kind). It's just all awesome.

So this is why the Olympic protesters piss me off a little bit...sure, it's your democratic right to voice your opinion, but I'm just so tired of bleeding heart Liberals taking advantage of any perceived slight (capitalism, oil sands, poverty, anything really) to protest on an international stage. It's just a bunch of grandstanding, to me. It takes away from the experience and ultimately hurts the athletes who have only spent the entirety of their lives training and preparing for this moment. People will come back and say that those less fortunate don't have those same oppotunities and it's not "fair".'s not fair. Life isn't fair. Just give it up and let me enjoy my games without you interceding and ruining the experience for me.

If this makes me a cold, heartless conservative then fine, that's what I am. But I'm also a realist. Not everyone is equal in the world and it will never be that way. It has never been that way in history, why do we think that now, suddenly, we're capable of all being perfect, equal human beings. It's just not possible. I'm all for helping those unfortunate and social programs, but why do we have to let it mar the games? All things considered, Canada has a pretty good history involving being there and taking care of its own people, but you can't please everyone.

Protesters...give it up. Throwing rocks and acting like a child endears no one to your cause. If you want to be peaceful, fine, that's your right, but give it up with the childish actions.

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